Astribot S1 – AI Robotics hype meets computer vision snake oil

At the end of April 2024 there was yet another announcement in the autonomous robotics space. This one called the Astribot S1 by a company called Almost immediately our feeds were filled with posts claiming that the Astribot S1 was nothing short of a revolution, a technical breakthrough which will completely revolutionise our kitchens. In this post I’ll do my best to explain why I believe it is at best a prototype with little autonomous or genuine real-world interaction capability, and is also unfit for safe operation around humans. Continue reading

Top 5 Lessons from 20 years of Computer Vision

I’ve learned an untold amount of valuable lessons over the years. Many of these lessons are still as true today as they were 20 years ago. I love to share advice on CV topics with customers and colleagues, and although many of the core lessons and concepts are obvious and well-known there are also some hard-fought personal lessons which I find myself talking about. This article will be exactly about those – the “probably-not-in-your-textbook” Top 5 lessons based on my experiences with shipping CV products! Continue reading

Thomas Carlsson photograph